
Showing posts from January, 2022

Undergraduate Degree Courses

Students will respond to briefs (which may include industry / live briefs) developing fashion concepts from primary research and the design development process through to final prototype garments, specifications and professional portfolio projects. The briefs require exploration and innovation whilst also responding to defined markets and/or consumers. This unit builds on and extends the knowledge and skills developed in Fashion Cultures 1 and 2. Students have opportunity to specialise in an area of research within the framework of critical, contextual, cultural and/or industry contexts that aligns with their personal practice and career interests. 10 credits equates to 100 hours of study, which is a combination of lectures, seminars and practical sessions, and independent study. The exact composition of your study time and assessments for the course will vary according to your option choices and style of learning . Management Science Mphil, Phd There are fee implications if a stud

Hnc Fashion Business

Please note the modules listed are correct at the time of publishing, for full-time students entering the programme in Year 1. Please note the University cannot guarantee the availability of all modules listed and modules may be subject to change. For further information please refer to the terms and conditions at /termsandconditions. Succeeding at University introduces you to learning in higher education and provides you with a framework for reflection and understanding of your own personal learning identity as well as tools for continuing educational success . Advanced Materials Engineering Msc Costs vary between countries and areas, so it is very important to research costs well ahead of time and budget accurately. Students are supported by an International team if accepting positions overseas. This unit will critically examine global developments and future strategies in fashion marketing. It will evaluate business and commercial management with leadership. Students will invest

Lichfield College

For instance, there are two huge Learning Resource Centres on both campuses at the university where it really helps the students with their assignments. Moreover, all the buildings where we have classes at are very new and that proves that the university cares about its appearance and invest a lot of money for the students to have a great environment to study within. This is where the creative arts, science and health-related subjects are based. This means you’ll share the campus with future nurses , scientists, artists and more. You can use the common rooms to relax with friends, work out in the 24-hour gym or have a drink in our on-campus pub or cafes. We also have restaurants for you to eat in or grab something on the go. Business Translation & Interpreting Msc However, we have a flexible approach to admissions and each application will be considered on an individual basis. By the time you graduate you will have gained a deep understanding of the industry through knowledge o